After the hot and lazy days of summer, autumn comes with refreshing sights, smells, and sounds. However, autumn is no stranger to the dangers any change of seasons may pose to the elderly. In this blog we look at some of the tips on how to keep your loved ones and the elderly safe during autumn;

Preventing Falls: Falling leaves during autumn can be a tripping hazard. As such, it is important to keep your doorways, stairwells and walking passages clear of leaves and debris since these can become wet and slippery.

Fire Safety: As we move from summer and fall sets in, most people spend more time indoors, with alternative sources of heat. It is thus important to be vigilant and take some necessary precautions to avoid fires.

  • Check the batteries in the smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in your loved one’s home to ensure that they are functional at all times. This way, any fire can be easily detected when it starts.
  • Keep a fire extinguisher and fire blanket near fire hazard areas for example the kitchen, and make sure that your loved one or anyone they stay with knows how to use them.
  • Check the condition of all electrical appliances and ensure they are in perfect working condition, since these can be a source of fires for example in case of a short circuit.
  • Keep heaters away from flammable surfaces, and have fire places and chimneys well swept to prevent chimney fires.
  • Do not park your car or truck over a pile of leaves since heat from vehicles can easily ignite the leaves below and start a fire.
  • Do not store flammable liquids inside the home, or in an attached garage or shed. Such fluids include unused fuel tanks.
  • Ensure that trees or branches in your loved one’s home that are not clear of power lines are reported to your utility company.

 Ensuring Proper Aeration: During autumn, the elderly should be able to access fresh air and keep out of the cold. Windows are an important part of aeration in the home, and as such, windows should be easy to open and close as desired.

Keeping Warm: When the temperature begins to drop, it is important to reorder your elderly loved none’s clothes so they can easily access warm clothes when needed.

It is also important to maintain a consistently warm temperature in the home and seal off any draft areas. Having a certified professional service the central heating system in your elderly loved one’s home to avoid any leaks or dangers would be helpful.

Staying hydrated: It is important that your elderly loved one drinks plenty of water and remains hydrated when indoors and heating is on. Staying hydrated prevents drying out. As such, it is important to ensure that your ageing loved one has access to plenty of drinking water.

Checking on the elderly:  Visiting your elderly loved ones or neighbours is vital as the weather changes. It is important to see how they are managing and ensure there are no health or safety hazards. If there are particularly adverse weather conditions, give them a call to make sure they are safe.